TV Guy Watches You!

So. How is knitting going? Well, I just finished a knit toy that I’ll be giving away in my newsletter next week! Yay!

The pattern is TV Guy from Anna Hrachovec’s KNITTING MOCHIMOCHI book, which I checked out from my local library. Why did I check it out? Well, this pattern wasn’t available anywhere else, and once I got a look at the cuteness, I knew I had to knit him.

Local library to the rescue! It had been so long since I visited, I had to renew my card (free) but after that, the wonderful librarian pointed me in the right direction and I was off to amble between shelves, secure my treasure, and generally bask in one of the best free public spaces any city or town can have.

Our library went through a recent remodel that secured it for earthquake events (we do live on the ring of fire, after all) and getting to see all the new changes was a lot of fun. It seems a lot more open with lower shelves, more white and neutral tones, and plenty of exposed concrete (walls and beams). While it has a more “industrial” feel than the old style library, it still offers books, quiet nooks, play areas for kids, meeting rooms, and the best: reading spaces to welcome a wandering mind.

I hope you’ve had a chance to check out your library recently too. (They also offer ebooks, and digital downloads, audio books, dvds and more!)

Oh, and if you’d like a chance to win the little TV Guy, just sign up to my newsletter right…here: Giveaways and Events


  • Karen Viglione Lauterwasser

    I’d be at a loss without my local library and the regional system it belongs to, as well as some other nearby regional systems that also share with us. I live in Massachusetts, and the Boston Public Library also grants digital access to all state residents. I could never afford all the books I read (let alone store them). The public library universe is definitely one of the best free public spaces!

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