Step by Step

Quick note: My monthly newsletter will be going out by Friday, and in it, I will give away the newest knit toy. I also recommend friends’ books there, and tend to do updates on writing, knitting, and Monkworld in general. I’d love to have you join in on the fun!

Ever have one of those weeks were you feel like there is so much to do, no matter what you focus on feels like miniscule effort? That is this week for me.

That doesn’t mean I haven’t gotten some things done: I’m taking morning walks again, have drafted four novel back cover copies (the descriptions on the back of print novels/also used for ebooks), finished an outline, tackled some of the invisible administrative heavy lifting that goes into the job of writer, and taken the first whack at spring cleaning the basement. Oh, and taxes are done, so that’s a relief.

Still, when I look at my To Do list it can be a little overwhelming. But I know if I want all the cool stuff I planned for this year to actually happen–and I do, because it’s lots of fun writing, and book releases!!– then the best thing I can do today, is take a deep breath, pick a direction, and simply take the next step forward.

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