New Book, New Digs

We had our share of weather drama the last week or so as an inch of ice covered our area. I’ve been through a lot of winter storms, but this one trashed the trees, which in turn trashed the power lines, which in turn trashed the easy-peasy electricity-and-hot-running-water lifestyle of which I’ve grown so accustomed.

Luckily, we were only without power for three and a half days. We had wood fireplace for heating, propane bbq and a camp stove for cooking, and water on hand. That said, whew, it is exhausting dealing with big disruptions on top of everything else (Covid, I’m looking at you.)

BUT–good things happen even during challenging times. I’m gonna share two Good Things that happened while our power was out.

GOOD THING #1 —Once Upon a Wish is out and I have a story in it!

My story, Wish Upon A Straw, is a new spin (ha!) on Rumpelstiltskin. Did I add dragons? Yes. Did I also throw in a cursed knight and a clever farmer’s daughter with secrets of their own? Of course I did! It’s a light, fun romp, and if you get a chance to read it, I hope it makes you smile.

Once Upon a Wish Anthology Buy Link

Dreaming of a magical world? Your wish is our command! These sixteen fairytale retellings from bestselling authors will sweep you away into enchanted lands where wishes have the power to change lives. With wistful twists on Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and more, you’ll be enthralled by these all-new tales. Just be careful what you wish for…

GOOD THING #2 –My webpage is all shiny and new!

Via a referral from Diana Pharoah Francis, I hired Tea Goblin Designs to rework my slightly broken, certainly outdated, web page and wow, did she do a wonderful job. If you’re here for the blog, might I suggest you click around on the other pages and images just for fun? I love the Welcome Page with all the newest books, and easy-to-navigate graphic links.

I have a new EVENTS page that is currently listing the knitted toys I’m giving away to my newsletter subscribers. I have a page just for audio books, a new (awesome) Book Series page, and (fingers crossed) all the links go where they’re supposed to go!

Oh! A bonus Good Thing: When our electricity came back, I drew newsletter subscriber winners for these knit toys:

If YOU want a chance to win one of my knits, subscribe to the newsletter, and you’ll be automatically in the running for the monthly giveaway.

Until next time–stay safe, stay well, and happy reading!


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