• Quick List For a Monday

    Seasons It rained last night.  It’s been a dry August (we won’t talk about May, June, July…or heck the rest of the year that was plenty damp) It was nice to hear the clatter of drops in the dry grass, smell the summer dust sweeten,…

  • Distractions for the Win

    Web habits.  I have them.  At least once a day (often more…much more) unless I am under Hideous Deadline of Doom, I check Twitter and Facebook. I don’t check Google+ because I haven’t taken the time to really get involved with it yet.  This sounds…

  • Goals, I have them

    Today was a day of  making goals.  I actually do this every month, just so I can keep track of what I should be doing and what I hope to do.  At the beginning of the month, I cross off the goals I accomplished during…

  • Good-bye Borders

    Last week, a friend mentioned she had gone out to Borders in her hometown to look around.  She said she felt bad picking over the bones of a dying business, but mentioned that everything was for sale, including the shelves. I’ve  been dreading, and wanting,…

  • Blam! Wonder Woman Gloves

    Sometime last…oh, I don’t know, maybe April, I was reading my Twitter feed and the lovely Karen Mahoney (a fellow Deadline Dame) was tweeting about a very cool pair of Wonder Woman fingerless gloves someone had knit. She teased that maybe I’d knit her a…

  • Weekend Wandering Allie Beckstrom Style

    POWELLS SIGNING… ….was awesome!  Thank you to everyone who came out for the event.  I had a great time meeting new readers, and seeing familiar readers, and generally chatting like crazy.  One person even brought a knitted Stone the gargoyle to the signing!  He’s the…

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