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It was time to do a little housekeeping here on the blog.  What have I updated?

1. I now have a Frequently Asked Questions page. You can find it by clicking the FAQ tab up there in the menu.

2. I also have a Reading List page up in the menu where I’m posting covers of the books I’ve read and finished this year.

3. Over on the side bar is a little typewriter and next to that I am listing my current project.

4. I have gathered up all the Allie Beckstrom behind-the-scene posts in one handy spot. If you missed out on the excerpts, info, and silly bits about the writing and making of the Allie Beckstrom books, you can now read that under the Books tab in the menu. (or this link)

5. Once again, I am giving Tumblr a try. I added a little t. button to the sidebar, so you can follow me if you like. I think I’ll use Tumblr for posting random pictures I take, and other silliness.

If you have ideas/suggestions for other things you’d like to see on the blog, let me know in the comments!!

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