Covers, Lovely Covers

I’m going to blame this post on Pinterest.  If you haven’t tried this cool site, might I suggest you give it a click?  Basically, it’s a place to share all the neat stuff you see online, from DIY arts, crafts, architecture, photography, recipes, fashion, and more.

I’ve just started posting a few things there (like my knitting, and some photos that I used as inspiration when I was writing TIN SWIFT) and I hope to continue making “boards” (kind of like photo albums) of the things that catch my eye.

So other than knitting and writing inspirations and recipes and books I love and other cool stuff, I also want to make one board that has all my book covers on it.  To make them look nice, I need a decent resolution on the covers. I suddenly realized the resolution of my covers are sort of hit-and-miss, even here on my own blog. (the horror!)

Therefore, I’m posting my book covers, so I can link to them on Pinterest. I know that sounds kind of silly, but well…there it is, lol.

And hey–if you’re on Pinterest, let me know, and I’ll totally follow you! But, you know, not in a creepy stalker kind of way….unless you like that sort of thing. 😉

Edited to add: Click here to follow me on Pinterest.


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