Catching up

So other than posting snippets of MAGIC ON THE HUNT every Friday, I’ve been a little lax on updating lately.  Let’s catch up, shall we?

Here’s what I’ve been up to lately:

Life Stuff:

Child youngest is a senior in high school this year, and we are doing all the pre-college fun stuff that one does when one’s child dons a dress and flat hat and walks down the row for that little scroll.

He also has the awesome opportunity to travel overseas on a class trip and is leaving tonight.  I, being the sort of person who won’t remember to breathe if I don’t put it on my To-Do list, have been making lists for roughly three months in prep for his trip.  He, being the sort of person who is comfortable doing most things at the last minute, has undoubtedly been amused and annoyed by my constant recitation of said list(s).

The list, being inanimate, does not care if I constantly recite it Gregorain-chant style, and has gone from two full pages in a notebook, to one single index card with eleven items on it.  Boo-yah!

Knitting Stuff:

I have finished knitting the Newsboy hat by Samia Buchan.  This was a request knit by child youngest to take on his overseas trip, but the hat turned out “poofier” than either of us expected.  I will either try to felt it, or maybe I’ll wear it.  In the meantime, child youngest has shown his resourcefulness by stealing his brother’s hat I knitted last year.

Writing Stuff:

I have turned in MAGIC ON THE LINE (book 7, Allie Beckstrom) and am exited and nervous to hear what my editor has to say about it.  LOTS of stuff happens in this book–some real game changers for Allie and the gang.  My first readers said it reads really fast, and funny, is full of new cool, stuff.  I hope they’re right! 🙂

DEAD IRON proofs landed in my Inbox, which means I’ll be visiting Cedar Hunt’s world again soon.  Proofs (the last chance I have to change anything in the book) always make me a little nervous because that’s when I suddenly realize, “omg, this is going to be a real book!”

And then there’s book 8 of the Allie Beckstrom series.

It’s due in June.


I think it’s time to make another list.

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